raw, processed, always fresh...
We aim to make Zebrahub's data rapidly and broadly available to the scientific community. We intend to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion, and we welcome collaborative interactions on the project and analyses.
Contact us if you have questions or need help with the data.
If you use any of these datasets for your own research, please cite the main zebrahub publication:
Zebrahub - Multimodal Zebrafish Developmental Atlas Reveals the State Transition Dynamics of Late Vertebrate Pluripotent Axial Progenitors.
NOTE: We are currently in the process of uploading and organizing the data. Please be patient with us in the meantime.
Zebrahub's sequencing and imaging data can be downloaded from different sources:
In the following we list the datasets and associated metadata. The image datasets are in OME-Zarr format and carry their own specific metadata.
Note: Imaging datasets are in OME-zarr format wich contains all relevant metadata.